I’m also giving new meaning to the term “bag lady.” I guess when a girl obsessed with handbags develops an obsession with golf, it’s only natural that she will start to collect golf bags.

Awhile back, I posted about Birdie Girl’s great looking bags and especially lusted for the orange stand bag. It was still in production so I had to wait but in the mean time I got my hands on the pink and white tour bag. Because I was still traveling for work quite a bit, I also got their travel bag. I don’t think these two items were meant to go together, but I’ll get to that later.

The tour bag is gorgeous and adds a powerful, feminine touch to any golf course. (No, guys, that’s not an oxymoron.) But it is a tour bag and is meant to be carried, not carted. It’s a touch too bulky and the pockets aren’t the most accessible from a cart position. Much to my chagrin, I’m not on any tour, don’t have a caddie and wouldn’t dream of carrying this baby myself. The bag lady in me just thought it would be cool to have a tour bag.

Here it is pictured in action – providing some much needed brightness at a miserable 5 1/2 hour round at the rock hard Knollwood Country Club in Granada Hills, CA where it was a wrist-breaking risk to try to take a divot on approach. Ugh – but at least my Birdie Girl bag made me smile. You can see the beautiful detail work in the close up shot. The side view shot was at Black Gold Golf Club in Yorba Linda, CA. This golf course certainly didn’t need any dressing up but the bag still stood out – far more than my performance in that tournament.

Throwing some Ogio in the mix

Since the tour bag is a bit unwieldy and much of my golf is played on courses that aren’t too walker-friendly, I knew I needed to revert back to an actual cart bag. I love my chocolate Ogio and think Ogio makes the most tricked out bags designed from a planning perspective based on what golfers need. From what I’ve seen, some other bag manufacturers are catching on, but Ogio innovates and the others seem to follow. I decided to upgrade from my chocolate bag to the latest and greatest.

I chose this cool bag, the Atlas, in the indigo color scheme. Ogio thinks of everything but my enjoyment of the handy pockets, ball dispenser, individual club dividers, and sleek look only lasted for a short while. Why? Because Greg liked it just as much as I did and it turned out that indigo would have been his color selection as well. He doesn’t lust for products too much, so I took the opportunity to make a sneaky trade along with a friendly couple’s wager (the details of which shall remain private) and he is now the proud owner of this bag. We both ended up winners in this deal.

Back to Birdie Girl

Then the long awaited orange stand bag was off the Birdie Girl production lines and on my doorstep. I was giddy. It’s even better looking up close and personal – and with my stuff in it! The attention to detail of the designers isn’t evident in the photos of this bag on the Birdie Girl website.

When I first opened the package and saw the tiny pink and white polka dots on the stand’s legs, I thought “whaaa?” Then I set it down on its stand and noticed how the white mesh on the orange side pockets almost looks like pink polka dots and it all made sense. It’s even hard to tell with the lights and shadows in this photo, but trust me, this is such a cool touch!

If you zoom in on this photo, you’ll see the neat splashes of other colors in the detail work on the logo and handle. I never would have thought of the polka dots or putting all these colors together, but I love the way they work together! Kudos to the Birdie Girl designers.

Here it is on the course and on the cart. Again, I love the brightness!
Here it is with Greg’s new Ogio bag. What a cool looking pair!

Yes, I’m using it as a cart bag. My chocolate Ogio just looks so dull after having my Birdie Girl bags out there. Oh yeah, something else after which to lust. I guess now I need this powder/chocolate Luxe Cart bag for my collection! We play walking rounds with our friends Lou and Leslie on Friday afternoons in the spring and summer so my orange bag could still see some action. Well, I play other walking rounds but I use my push cart for those so I can strap on either kind of bag and I’ll be able to mix it up.

Now to the travel bag

My one complaint with Birdie Girl is about their travel bag. It looks smart and is easy to spot on the luggage carousel – I’ll give it that, but then I’d expect that from Birdie Girl. It’s the size that bothers me. Of course I never expected the tour bag to fit in there, but I did expect it to accommodate my golf clubs in any other golf bag with ease. No go. I understand that it is designed with women in mind but even if I had shorter golf clubs, that’s only another inch or so of room. After taking off the club head covers, it was a really tight squeeze to get my golf clubs in this travel bag. I worried that when TSA searched it and tried to repack they might damage my stuff. And I worried that such a tight fit might cause a snap with a rough throw. Thankfully neither happened and my clubs made the trip unscathed, but I won’t risk it again. How about just a couple more inches of leeway in the length, Birdie Girl? Maybe it would be good for a junior set of clubs.


The club head covers I got with the orange stand bag are nice, but not for me. First, they’re too big. I don’t like it when club head covers are too tight and difficult to take off and put on, but I also don’t like them to be too baggy and loose. I know, I’m hard to please size-wise. Many women are. They’re also orange and black instead of orange and white, which, unlike their other color surprises doesn’t work for me. Besides, though it might not be hard to displace my Ruger and Taylor Made headcovers on my 3- and 5- woods, nothing’s going to take the place of the Goose on my driver.

My accessories of choice by Birdie Girl are these snazzy umbrellas!

Yes, I am a Birdie Girl

So what if I miss a lot of birdie putts? So what if the most birdies I’ve had in a round is a whopping 2? I’m a Birdie Girl – my bags say so! Birdie Girl makes the cutest stuff and keeps me stylin’ on the golf course whether I’m making birdies or not.

Next post.