When I first started this blog back in June 2005, about 10 months after I first picked up a golf club, Bush was in the first year of his second term, it had been two years since he declared “Mission Accomplished” in Iraq, I was blissfully immersed in my new golf obsession, and I already had my two holes-in-one under my belt. I was working as a sales trainer, traveling the country delivering lessons in between golf rounds wherever I could squeeze them in. I took my clubs everywhere and played whenever, wherever I could. I didn’t really practice because I just wouldn’t make the time.

I had already joined my club – I’m still a member – which calls itself coed  (we finally added our second female member this year) and plays a different golf course one Saturday a month. In between work trips, there wasn’t time to do much besides laundry, re-pack and spend some time with my then dog and then boyfriend before heading back to the airport. Somehow I managed to improve my golf game at a rate sufficient to keep ahead of my handicap index and keep winning our club events. Much to the chagrin of all the seasoned male players, I even won our club championship my first year out and went on to represent our club at the SCGA Tournament of Club Champions and – much to their delight – won that, too.  My handicap improved a bit more but the lowest it ever got was 14.2.

While all that was going on, I managed to get more blogging done in a week than I do in a month now… sometimes longer. Six years later, I’m back up over 20 and can’t win anything but a gambling match between friends.  Life has a way of getting in the way. I’ve poured my bi-polar heart out on here in more than one inappropriate and off-topic post so my excuses are available if you care to dig them up. But now… I’m going to declare myself officially BACK -on track and on golf topics primarily.

I’m so amazed and humbled by the readers who have stuck around all this time and I’d love for you all to be involved in holding me to this. So I’m going to state some goals so that you can follow along and keep me accountable if you’d be so kind.

Golf Performance Goal

First, my record round is 82, and I have only had a few rounds in the 80s at all, but, like so many golfers, my next score-related goal is to break 80. Along the way I’ll need to break 90 a lot more, of course. I plan to accomplish this with a lot more practice. Yes, practice. I still chomp at the bit to get out on the course whenever possible but I’ve also come to appreciate practice a lot more. I also have some specific plans for that practice and some coaching help which I will tell you all about in a post coming to your screen very soon. One specific goal is to fix the chicken wing you see in my swing in the photo below.

Blogging & Sharing Goals – I need your help

If you’re already familiar with this blog and my writing style, I hope you’ll expect that my documentation of this process will be anything but dry and strictly technical. I’m still me. I will share any tips I think are helping that may help people in similar situations but we all know I’m no pro. My goal is to deliver such a post at least once a week. In addition to that I intend to write another post about some other golf topic once a week.  Martini blogging can never be ruled out so if you think I’ve strayed too far off topic, let me know and I’ll owe you another post. Please feel free to participate in the comments with your thoughts, encouragement, tips, etc. And if I don’t live up to my two post a week promise, crack the whip!

Next post.