The Golfchick

That chick blabbing about anything golf related.

Swing Juice, Aiming Fluid, Driver Lube?

Some people only play golf while consuming adult beverages. Others never “drink and drive” on the golf course for various reasons. Personally, I go both ways. It kind of depends on how competitive I want to be – and whether or not I need some ‘lube” for my nerves. If I’m just playing a casual round with friends or family, there are usually plenty of libations to keep us all good and loose.

swing juice on golf driving range

There are plenty of cute nicknames for what to call an on-course adult beverage , (I’ve heard a bunch but a popular one in my circle is “aiming fluid”), but by far the one I hear most is “swing juice.” Well it turns out there is actually an officially named GOLF DRINK by that name. Swing Juice is an energy drink that was developed by a passionate golfer like us! It contains lots of vitamins and supplements that help boost energy & focus for better performance on the course. Here is the list of ingredients and their benefits.

I actually tried the stuff years ago when the creator sent me a sample. I may or may not have blogged about it them but I sure am now. I am connected with Swing Juice on Twitter and saw a recent tweet from them that included cocktail recipe concoctions and – naturally – wanted to get my hands on those recipes. They sent me some more Swing Juice, but despite several requests have neglected to send the list of recipes. That’s okay, though, I’ve some experience and even though my recipes aren’t as fancy as theirs looked (mine generally lack creativity and are rushed together with two ingredients – booze and Swing Juice), they do the trick and are quite delish. The pic above is from a hot day of practice on the range when all I wanted and needed was straight up Swing Juice. And I LOVE the lemonade flavor.

Later that day on the golf course, I added a little tequila to another bottle of lemonade Swing Juice.

Tonight, I’m enjoying some vodka with the yummy Pomegranate Berry Swing Juice.

You really can’t go wrong, straight or spiked. I highly recommend the stuff. As you may know, I’ve been practicing a lot lately (daily) and it may or may not be a coincidence but I can actually say I’ve had better success on the range – and more fun – when I have hydrated with Swing Juice, and I plan to continue. Cheers!

What do you call YOUR on-course beverage?

Next post.

1 Comment

  1. Aiming fluid! Always trying to find the right mixture. Don’t want it to be too rich or too lean.
    I am going to keep searching for the perfect combination, but I think my attempts are futile. Will have to keep working on it. Again and again.

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