The Golfchick

That chick blabbing about anything golf related.

Golf For Women Closing Up Shop

Sad news today – after 20 years, Golf For Women Magazine is closing. The July/August issue is its last.

golf for women closingMy editor from their website still isn’t sure what’s going to happen with their online presence so there could still be some life there.

That Conde Nast couldn’t make the book continue succeed is daunting to anyone looking to fill the gaping void that will be left in the female golf publication market. But, maybe it’s just time for something hipper? Edgier? Golf-chickier? How does Golf Chick Magazine sound. I think it’s got a ring to it.

Dana, Alena, Ashley, Stina… feel like being co-founders? What about Patricia and Gayle? So much to think about. How can we turn this loss into something fabulous?

Next post.


  1. This can not be good news, not at all! Is there any thought, suggestions, ideas, future plans, hopes of what the team will do?


  2. just a thought – but Fairways and Greens magazine is independently published. they might have some suggestions on getting something going.

    don’t be too quick to assume that the owners and editors of GFW were completely committed to the success of this particular magazine. sometimes it’s just business – not passion.

  3. I’m totally there Kristen.

    Not sure a magazine is the way to go, however. Dead tree media is a very questionable business model in this day and age, No matter how stuck-in-their-ways most advertisers may still be.

    Something really awesome on-line would be great though.

  4. Sorry to hear the news. As you know, I have become a big fan of the women’s professional game. It needs more exposure and coverage now, not less.
    Good luck to all associated with GFW.
    How about we all join forces and produce a movie about the women’s game. I have a great screenplay in mind.

  5. I say we scrounge our money together and take it over ourselves. I’m so upset about this.

  6. I am not surprised at all. I had subscribed to the magazine for a year and was very disappointed in it. As an avid golfer, I prefer male-targeted golf mags as Golf for Women only ever has 1-2 useful pages on golf and the rest are just advertisements and fashion-related promotions/articles. The magazine was effectively one big advertisement.

  7. If you are seriously considering this I would love to contribute my thoughts. If you are willing to hear them. :)

  8. golfchick

    July 8, 2008 at 6:34 pm

    Bring it on, Andrea. :)

    Patricia – online for sure but there’s still a void in the print market and people like their glossies.

    Di – I think we need a golfier mag that’s not so male-centric.

    c.a. Marks – interesting idea… but I think something new is needed.

    Dave – hmm… Pops and Sunshine perhaps? :)

    Cameron – we’re still trying to figure that out. They’re meeting now to determine the future of the online aspect of GFW.

  9. Interestingly enough, I was approached by the marketing arm of GFW and GolfWeek about a month ago, and I was surprised at what I learned…(surprised and somewhat horrified, actually)

    I was surprised at how HIGH the print advertising rates were, and I was also impressed at the demographic reach that GFW provided. (Hence the rates, they were positioning GFW as THE premier vehicle to reach the professional woman with disposable income…)

    I have been an avid reader of GFW since I floated the wild-eyed brainstorm of opening a women-centric golf shop that would be more SERIOUS AND fashionista about five years ago…that died at the gentle urging of my tax accountant, but I have been an avid follower of the growth of women’s golf AND the LPGA…(I wonder if the LPGA will step in to fill the void…)

    I will also admit that I share DJ’s opinion that GFW was too much into fashion-forward clothes that VERY FEW would actually wear to play golf in and trips to the spa, and not enough into capturing that elusive essence of golf that is a combination of strategy, evocativness, equipment, training, mental preparation, travel AND a good-looking outfit to complete the recipe for what makes golf awesome…

    Agree with Patricia’s comment, and also your rebuttal Kristen – advertisers still want circulation, because there are SO many ways to game the system for online readership metrics…although “dead tree” IS in decline…(but with ad rates that CN was proposing, I passed, and I imagine others did too…hence the demise…)

    I hope that y’all can put your heads together, and build upon the initial success of GFW, and put out a magazine/online product that combines the best of GolfChick, GolfGirl, and all your buddies…to quote “Field of Dreams” if you build it, people will come…

  10. I agree with Scott that women want a magazine that has real golf fashion, what Nike, Adidas, Tail, Sporty Haley, and other golf companies are putting out there. Not what new polo Ralph Lauren has come up with and is selling for $150. Also, practice tips from LPGA players are great, and insight on Women’s golf equipment would be another great asset to the magazine. I think a new magazine could benefit the LPGA and could be something they would be interested in.

  11. I’m with you Golf Chick! This can’t end this way.

    I agree with Patricia that online is the way of the future and we need the “home” of women’s golf to stay alive and kicking online.


  12. Is it just me or do I sense the stirrings of a “revolution” in the works????

    I say, GO FOR IT!!!

    The women’s (and junior’s) market is the only one that has demonstrated meaningful growth in the last decade…

    You folks need to band your resources together and make this happen….

    Besides, your blog articles were fresher and more focused than the standard print articles were anyways….I got the idea that Ms. Reed’s hands were tied by her corporate masters

  13. Golf For Women didn’t have to close its doors. The sheer number of women golfers is reason enough to work for its survival. It’s all a matter of tapping into their creative ideas and having someone at the helm who is willing to “drive” it forward! I hope that someone picks up the ball!

  14. I was also very disappointed to learn that Golf For Women will no longer be published. It was the one golf magazine that focused on exercises, tips and courses from a woman’s point of view. True, they did waste way too many pages on golf fashions which most of us could never afford and would look ridiculous in, but aside from that, it was our magazine. On-line magazines are fine, but face it there are a lot of places that we just can’t sneak our laptops into! Sure hope someone does fill the void. M. Hannah

  15. I too agree with the name – Golf Chick Magazine. I think that would sound cool. Or maybe something like Women’s Golf World. I don’t know. But we women need something!

  16. Hey wait a minute, in case you haven’t heard about us we are the new kids on the fairway…”The 19th Hole Magazine” a stylish golf, fashion and luxury lifestyle magazine, and yes we also believe it’s time for a magazine that’s hipper, Edgier, Chic and appeals to more women and cool guys. We are a large format print magazine, but we are launching an interactive digital version and blog. Check out our digital preview:
    We are open to fresh new ideas and seeking freelance writers, bloggers etc!

  17. Looks a little too fancy for my taste. But still, I’d probably give it a glance over at least one time.

  18. oh lord – “new kids on the fairway” ??

    I’m having some really nasty visions of golfers Vogueing their way down the fairway or boy band harmonizing (without the singing ability) on the tee box. :-)

  19. I’m in love with “The 19th Hole”.

    It probably won’t cut it for the golf purists… or those who aren’t in the market for a bit of unadulturated fantasy with their golf… but it’s gorgeous! Gorgeous, Congrats Ian.

  20. HA! I just KNEW that Patricia would really like “The 19th Hole”…I only wish that I had posted when I felt that earlier this afternoon…now it looks like a reaction on my part!
    As for me, it feels like T1H captures the higher-end fashion/accessories/travel aspect on golf, and not so much on the game itself…which is cool – the product is visually appealing…
    Me personally, I prefer the athletic aspect more, and less on the FAT aspects…(umm, that’s short for Fashion, Accessories, Travel, not the other word…)
    But I’m quite sure that “The 19th Hole” will have a devoted and passionate following without me..that’s the beauty of golf – it transcends market segments…there’s something for everyone…
    So if they grab the FAT segment from GFW, the question remains, who grabs the women’s ATHLETIC, STRATEGY and SCORING segment…and I’m not going to include THAT acronym…. =)

  21. Looks like this is turning into a voting situation. My vote is with Scott! There are plenty of fashion and glitz magazines out there. This will only enhance the low opinion that some men have of female golfers! There are those of us who just love the sport itself!
    M. Hannah

  22. Just to elaborate upon my earlier (long-winded) comments:

    GFW and T1H appeared to me to be targeting the “How did I look” woman golfer…whoever can write content for the “How did I PLAY” woman golfer, WITHOUT the tired “Golf Digest”/”Golf” men’s instructional format will retire rich….

    I think “GolfChick” Magazine would sell well….

    Kristen???? 😉

  23. I am new to golf, I am so sorry to see golf for woman go….I need a lot of pointer from woman, not men on my game…

  24. Please no Golf Chick Magazine. Are you serious! DO you want to be taken seriously on the course. Carry a copy of GOlf Chick magazine under your arm and you won’t be.

  25. The next women’s golf magazine will feature more articles about the tour pros, get back to golf instruction, and feature fashion that lady golfers of all ages can access and enjoy. Throw in some travel articles, fitness for golf, nutrition, articles about interesting women who play golf (but no actresses as cover models), junior and college golf features . . .

    Golf for Women had begun to read like just another lifestyle magazine. It did have a modern, clean look to it, but needed more golf content. The next women’s golf mag will stick to the articles its readers want.

  26. Hi La Golfa
    Which “next” golf magazine are you talking about?

  27. Oh, just the women’s magazine I am envisioning. GFW got pretty darn close a few years ago, before Conde Nast took it on a travel and leisure detour.

    What would you like to see in your ideal women’s golf magazine?

  28. Well, I’d like to see a much more interactive site with lots of dialogue rather than a “brochure like” magazine.

    I’d like to see more user-generated content from all over. I’m pretty sick of the old style magazines out there today. Some of the writers for golf mags today are getting a little full of themselves – they think THEY are the stars of golf.

    Let’s hear more from the women who golf for fun, business and work. It’s a tough grind for the young ladies who are trying to get their cards – let’s give them a place where they can share their stories and maybe get some attention and funding.

    Just my 2 cents :)

  29. golfchick rolling

    November 4, 2008 at 11:45 pm

    Lots of great ideas, thanks for contributing. Keep ’em coming; it’s all very helpful for what I have planned. FYI, it’s not called Golfchick Magazine. 😉


  30. I hope the new plans include tips and tricks for ladies that are new to the game of golf.

  31. Maybe blogs can pick up the slack. My sister’s blog, has a lot of news and tips for women golfers. She’ll be going to the PGA Merchandise Show this month in Orlando and posting about it.

  32. golfchick

    January 4, 2011 at 7:39 pm

    Lil, Thanks for the comment. There certainly are a lot of golf blogs out there. I remember when there were just a handful of us – especially the ladies. Welcome, “golfgurls,” to the ever growing supply of online info for female golfers! It’s great to see so many people picking up the slack for the obvious demand! Best of luck and …
    May they all roll true.

  33. Every time I go golfing footzyrolls are a must! They are perfect to change into and don’t take space at all.

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