The Golfchick

That chick blabbing about anything golf related.

Golf Takes Over

Before Golf (B.G.), it always seemed like I was really busy and rush-rush-rush all the time. It still does, but I get to slow down and enjoy a few hours when I golf. But this leaves me wondering what I used to do with all this time I now spend golfing! In addition to the hours I spend in any given round, as an obsesser (and a maker-upper of words), golf has supplanted most of my other hobbies and activities in one form or another. Whereas I used to go to the shooting range, now I go to the driving range. I used to be working on (never completing) novels and screenplays, now I write a golf blog. On airplanes, I used to read novels or science books, write fiction on my laptop or even work *gasp*, now I read golf magazines, stitch my own unique golf shirts and hats and write a golf blog. Going to a baseball game in the daytime is a thing of the past. Night games are still in the mix but rare — (GO ANGELS). As for weekend activities, if it doesn’t fit in before or after a minimum of 18 holes, forget it. And in the summer — golf bless daylight savings time — let’s not forget twilight rounds. I never spent Sundays worshiping until golf came into my life. (Hey, that actually sounds quotable.) So the lost activities account for some of that time, but what was I doing with the rest of it before I squeezed in golf? What am I neglecting? People?

Next post.


  1. Besides golf there is only one or two things I’d rather be doing but I don’t think I should mention them in mixed company.

  2. Oohhhhh… I knew I was forgetting something!

  3. Everything will fit and the things that don’t aren’t needed.

  4. I find that every time I let golf “take over” a little too much, the game introduces me to a little tendonitis or hand sprain to slow me down. I actually experienced A.G. (After Golf) 5 years ago when I got tendonitis in both arms which didn’t heal for over 2 years. I only recently started playing again and now have a nasty hand sprain. So here I am again at the computer.

  5. I’m reading through your archives and whoa, “the shooting range”!!! I used to compete quite a bit for a couple of years.

    Sometimes I think I’m following in your footsteps. My spare time is consumed by golf.

    I just broke 100 and started a blog of my own.

    Your an inspiration GC,

  6. TartanGolfGripsDotCom

    October 12, 2006 at 1:08 am

    Just wait until you start expanding beyond Golf Magazine, Golf Digest and Golf For Women, and start REALLY getting into it with GolfWeek, and GolfWorld (my personal fave…)

    Then there’s LINKS, Travel and Leisure Golf, and on and on and on…

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