The Golfchick

That chick blabbing about anything golf related.

Category: Reader’s Ideas And Questions

Big Plans, Please Help

Oh, do I have plans. Okay, well they’re not exactly “plans” at this point as much as ideas. But oh man, do I have ideas, and they’re working into plans. Granted, I do that a lot, but I honestly think this time I’ll find the magical mixture to make me bring them to fruition – it really feels like I will.

They’re related to golf and I’m going to need and ask for your input and help. Please keep checking back here because I will be asking for your input with more specific goals. Meanwhile, please keep reading…

As a female golfer with recent memories of being a beginner in my mind, I think I have a grasp on what a lot of female golfers want and need. Yes, that sounds like a broad statement (pardon the pun), and it is. I just know what it’s like to be a female golfer, to be a new golfer, to be a passionate golfer, to be an obsessed golfer, and to only be treated like the first two.

I want to provide something for anyone who relates to those sentiments. I know how it feels. I know this is a broad request without providing any details, but I have to ask and I hope that you will trust me: As a female golfer, especially (but not limited to) beginning golfers, what do you want or need from the golf industry? If you’re not comfortable posting your answer as a comment, you may tell me confidentially by sending me an email to kristen(at)thegolfchick(dot)com. This is a chance to be part of the future and direction of women’s golf. There may be more opportunities with more specific information, but there won’t be another time to say you contributed – or got involved – at the very start. Just let me know.

Next post.

Aces, Alice Cooper and reader question answered

Back when I first started this blog (June 2005), Jennifer Mario was really the only active female golf blogging voice out there. Musey was around but not very active. Recently, Jen has been busy working on other projects, like her book about Michelle Wie, and her blog posts have been dwindling away. I really enjoy her writing and I wish her feed would light up with fresh material more often. The infrequency of her posts leaves me hanging on every word when she finally does write one. Her entry this month was no exception.

See, Jen and her family went to Hawaii where she not only rubbed elbows with Alice Cooper (might want to wash that elbow, Jen), she recorded her first hole-in-one! Huge congrats to her on that!

In our subsequent comment exchange, she mentioned my two aces which got me thinking about a reader question I had awhile back. I forget the reader’s name – he asked me instead of The Goose so he received an email response instead of a blog post.

hole in one

The question was something about whether in tournament play if someone gets a hole-in-one, do they also win the “closest to the pin” prize? My answer: Yeah, you can’t really get any closer to the pin than that.

I actually saw that happen in one of our club’s tournaments. A guy made an ace, won the $50 KP (why do they call it KP instead of CP for closest to the pin?) and also won $100 which our club gives to anyone who makes a hole-in-one. As many people know, it is customary for anyone making a hole-in-one to buy drinks for all at the clubhouse afterwards. This guy honored that tradition and his bar tab exceeded his prize earnings by over $100. People joked that if it hadn’t been his first ace, he might have been tempted to pull the ball out of the hole, place it an inch away and just get out of there with his $50. After all, we’re a club that was founded at and sponsored by a bar! He knew it wouldn’t be cheap!

Next post.

Reader question: Golf “sandwiching”

Rick from Boca Raton, FL asks:

I just bet my friend 10 bucks that there is an expression in golf called “sandwiching.”

When, for instance, you are playing teams in match play and one guy does well on one hole and the other does poorly but they keep switching back and forth, one makes birdie, the other bogeys but they never screw up the same whole, this is called SANDWICHING (like “ham and eggs” but sandwiching is another expression)!

My friend says there is no such expression. I say there is.

Have you experts head the term “sandwiching” for good match play golf!?
*Looking around for experts* Oh well, I guess I’ll take this one.

I queried the goose just to get another opinion, but she just rolled her eyes at me when I asked.

Sorry, Rick. I haven’t heard that term. By no means does that mean it isn’t used by golfers everywhere. I play with a lot of different types of folks, but I’m still relatively new to this game and still find out new things all the time. I say if you use it as an expression, it is one! And I’ll start using it now so if it isn’t out there already, we can spread it.

I have heard other uses for “sandwiching” that have nothing to do with golf, but that’s another blog entirely.

Here’s a golf sandwich – look at this gigantic tuna melt I got at Glen Annie in Santa Barbara!

Thanks for the question. Sorry about your 10 bucks.

Next post.

Reader question – golfer slang

Mike from Philadelphia submitted this question (to me, not the Goose):

Someone was telling me that there are different types of golfers such as Golf freaks, trunk slammers, and club members. I was trying to get a good definition for each but I couldn’t find much on the internet because it appears some of these terms are slang. I was wondering if you’ve ever heard these terms used a lot and if you have an idea how you would define these terms.

Mike figured out that these terms are slang right away. Good job, Mike. Aside from “golf freak,” I have never actually heard these terms used, but I won’t let that stop me from answering the question and defining the terms here and now.

Golf Freak(glf frk), n.

1: A golfer that is markedly unusual or deformed; (see circus freak)
2: A person who is so utterly devoted or addicted to the game of golf that he or she plays as often as possible, can’t get enough gear or knowledge of all things golf, constantly talks about golf and proselytizes; (see Jesus freak, golf blogger)
3: A combination of 1 and 2 (see photo insert)

Mediaeagle, the golf freak
photo courtesy

Trunk slammer (trngk slmr), n.

1: A person who slams the trunk of a car
2: An occasional golfer not overly concerned with rules, etiquette, or his or her equipment (they park their cars, grab their gear, slam their trunks and off they go)

Club member (klb mmbr), n.

1: A member of a club
2: A golfer belonging to a private country club
3: slang A golfer of limited ability belonging to a private country club who looks down on non-members and trunk slammers (see pompous, snob, Judge Smails) and expects to get the “members bounce” even when playing an alternate course

Thanks for the question, Mike. I hope this helps.

Next post.

Inventing the paper napkin?

Well, it’s a little too late for mother’s day, but here we have a gift idea for any occasion for that special lady golfer in your life. Just watch her eyes light up when she receives this amazing paper napkin! Well, maybe if that special lady golfer in your life is Christina Aguilera.



” paper napkin…to protect a shoulder part of clothes of a woman playing golf from becoming dirt due to touching of a cheek, the chin or the like of the player to stick a cosmetic, a sunburn cream, or the like on it.”





Submitted by Gavin at
Check out all the other crazy “inventions” there, like the “Heel mounted sand trap rake for golf shoes.”

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